Nakashima of Remora

For Final Fantasy XI fans, by a Final Fantasy XI fan.

Nakashima of (Insert New Server Name Here)?

This is really depressing. I logged out of FFXI just now and I am deciding my fate of playing this game. I don't think I'll be able to make it to Lv 60 be the end of the year (2006). There are 2100+ players on right now. Which is pretty good since it's midnight, but of course, most of those players are Japanese. I toggled my party flag on at 11:30 ET and didn't get an invite for 30 minutes. I wonder if I should learn more Japanese and impress the crowd? I would love to learn Japanese, since I may go to Japan in the next couple of years, but learning it just for FFXI doesn't seem right.

I've partied with JP players before back in the spring and kicked a lot of butt at the Dunes. Now, however, is just a memory that will probably never be rekindled.

I'm thinking on choosing a new server. If I do that, then all of my hard work of completing the missions up to R5 and getting RDM, BLM and WHM to decent levels will be gone. If I can just have $70 worth of time for FFXI, I can keep my Remora character and just make a new one on another server the extra $1. If I can make it to RDM 50, BLM 30, WHM 24, SMN 19, BRD 12, MNK 5, and WAR 5 on this new server with in 3 months, then /farewell Remora. I'm going to try to get along with this pace of waiting for a group for now. But in the new year, I may not play on Remora again, if things continue like this.

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That was fun...

So, despite connection problems due to rain and a sudden lockup while entering the Mog House, I finally return home to find no one to invite me. I equipped some Linkpearls that I picked up earlier this year to find out that they are broken. Yay! 2 free item slots! I checked the Auction House, I didn't have anything up on auction. That's good, I guess. And yet, people still examine my Bazaar but don't buy my Mannequin legs. /sigh

One thing I found disturbing is that there are currently 1700+ players online. Well, thats normal for it being 3 AM and during school year...Can't I at least get an invite from some Japanese players? Can you help a fellow Otaku out? D;

As for TheTrueAlliance, it's empty. My friend who is a 75 PLD still plays though, but not Tetsushi, which is still making up his mind to play again. It seems that my plans are blown out of proportion. I don't know what to do now! I feel like I want to quit, but then again, I've been through this before. Wait for an hour to find a party. No invite. Switch jobs. Look for an invite. No invite. /shutdown. Horrible, isn't it?

Also, this is Thursday morning. Ever since I started playing FFXI, it seems that Tuesdays and Thursdays are bad days to party. I always get invited into bad parties and encounter a jerk. ALWAYS!

Well, it's time for bed now. I probably would have been invited into a party by now, but it's time for bed. I'll worry about this later.

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The Crimson Trial (RDM AF1)

Here is a guide for finding your very own Red Mage Artifact 1 (RDM AF1). This was from my experience, and it may vary from yours, so don't guarantee that you'll find it in the amount of time as I did. Also, I don't remember everything that exactly happened in my PoVs (Point of View), but the directions are exactly the way I have them.

The Crimson Trial

In San d'Oria, go to the Lion Springs Tavern and speak with Sharzalion. From there, head on over to Davoi and find the NM, Purpleflash Brukdok. He is around E-9, so be sure to have a map. If not, you can just walk around until you reach the coordinates on the map on the corner of the screen, or have an escort. Be careful doing this, monsters can be aggressive if you're a low level. Wait for him to spawn if he is not there. Once he has appeared, take him out!

Nakashima's PoV: At level 41, I had help with this with a friend of mine, who was a Lv 50+ PLD at the time. With my refresh and convert, I helped him out. It was a bit difficult but we took out the NM in 3 minutes. I received the Davoi Storage Key.

After obtaining the Davoi Storage Key, search the area for a storage hole. The spawn of this hole is random. Again, this is very dangerous without an escort, so be very careful! Once you find the storage hole, trade the key to the hole, and you will receive the Orcish Dry Food!

Nakashima's PoV: I searched the area on my own after the PLD left. 10 minutes into the search, a bunch of Orcs ganged up on me, and it was the end for me. After respawning in Jeuno, I grabbed a Chocobo and returned to Davoi. On the second attempt, I found the storage hole in 15 minutes and with no more deaths!

After obtaining the Dry Food, return to Sharzalion at the tavern in Sando and you will receive your shiny new Fencing Degen!

Closing Notes: In the end, it took me approximately 40 minutes to get everything done. I luv my Fencing Degen! :3

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I have great news! I have finally recived my Visa gift card, meaning I'll be able to return to Final Fantasy XI before the end of the week! Maybe not at the end of the week...I'm have some school assignments that are really important due in a few days, and my free WoW trial is ending in a few days.

I'll be back soon after I feel rested. /farewell

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Elites, No Thanks

I used to be in this Linkshell, which will remain nameless, but it had a white Linkpearl that was recognized through some parts of Vana'diel. It was a Linkshell for helping other people out, but to me (and an Elvaan player), it was just about becoming an elite player.

The way every talked in the Linkshell seems kind of weird. They would say something like "lool, I'm gonna be level 75!1!." Well, not like that, but it really bugged me. I hesitated to ask for help from them, so I always went to TheTrueAlliance or waited until someone else shouted for the same thing I needed.

It was a month before I suddenly disappeared from Vana'diel when a new Elvaan member joined the LS. He happened to be right in front of me when I was hanging around Lower Jeuno. After some conversation with the sack holder and the regulars, the Elvaan said "Thanks for letting me join your LS, but I think it's time to move on. Take care." I think that was kind of rude, but after a while I realize why he left: He doesn't want to hang around a bunch of elite wannabe noobs.

After I returned to the game, I thought it over and decided to drop the pearl and move on. Life has been wonderful with out these guys. They had probably broken up before I came back, but however, it's best not to run into this Linkshell, even if they have regroup with another Linkshell. That goes for another LS with a bright yellow Linkpearl that had the same rep of this one, but worse. I started to join them, so I signed up on their website, but I remembered my experiences with the white-pearl LS, so I just abandoned it.

It's better to stay with the true blue "TheTrueAlliance." /nod

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NoR Video: Nakashima, Tetsushi Vs. Damselfly (YouTube Version) [11/9/2006]

This is the same video I posted back in April via Photobucket of me fighting a Damselfly to get a Damselfly Worm for Tetsushi's subjob quest. Here it is again on YouTube.

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FFXI Plans #2

Hmm...Here's something to think about after I take yet, for probably the sixth time!! another break from Red Mage:

  1. Start playing with WAR again until level 10

  2. Level MNK to level 10

  3. Level WAR to level 20...and level MNK to 20

  4. Hopefully get WAR to level 30 before a month and look for a BCNM fight (or a CoP mission) to earn some spare gil

OMG, I'm starting to like this plan. Maybe I should just to back home to Bastok after I log back on and level WAR up instead of RDM... @_@;

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NoR Updates: November 9, 2006

[New Banner]

How does everyone like the new banner, ne? It's a screenshot of Nakashima (Yours truly) and Tetsushi at Valkurm Dunes taken back in April. I think it fits the site. Also, this new banner also reflects the next announcement...

[Off-Blogger Website on Hold Indefinitely]

That's right. I'm putting off plans for getting web hosting just for NAKREM services. It's annoying looking for competent looking web hosts and figuring out how to pay for it. Plus, since I upgraded to Blogger's beta project, which has recently gone “gold,” organizing the site will be a breeze! Plus, I'm also thinking on covering more than just Final Fantasy XI. My newer blog I made back in July, MMONAK, focusing on free and P2P MMORPGs , has been a bit of a failure. So, I'm going to export those post from MMONAK and label them for the proper section on NAKREM and put a link to them if anyone is interested in view those posts.

[Remora's Most Wanted Discontinued]

I'm final on this decision. I am just going to post about bad players I met as my “Best of LJ” and regular adventure updated. Any old RMW posts before 11/10/2006 will stay.

[A Sister Blog?]

Lastly, I'm thinking on making an anime blog. No video games in sight, just good old fashioned anime—unless that have a video game related episode, like the Episode 15 of “NHK ni Youkoso.” (I will post about that soon.) I hope this blog will be successful unlike MMONAK.

I am going to post more updates in the coming weeks, so stay tuned.

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FFXI Plans #1

*Posts the following plans for getting RDM to level 60 when Nakashima returns*

  1. Finish leveling up RDM to Lv 50. After getting level 50, ask for help getting limit break.

  2. After getting LB 1, continue leveling up to Lv 52. After getting level 52, ask for help on RDM AF2.

  3. After getting RDM AF2, finish leveling up until it's time for LB2.

The key of this plan is getting to level 60 on RDM and get everything I always wanted since I started playing this game. Maybe I sound a bit elite, but I've been playing this for 2 years and I haven't gotten anything done except getting my sub at level 30. lol


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NoR Update: November 7, 2006

[World of Warcraft coverage continues!]

With 10 days left on the free trial, and Nakashima at level 9, the coverage of WoW continues! I will cover FFXI again as soon as I return. But now, it's Boar huntin' time.

[Blogger beta'd]

Just now, I switched over to the new Blogger beta. There are now labels, or "tags" as some people like to call them, added on every post.

[Traffic Situation]

I added this blog to the ANIME100: Video Game edition topsite directory. I want to say thank you for people visiting my blog, whether you're a FFXI player or not. Since I stopped playing FFXI to relocate in real life, the site's traffic has been at an stand still. Since I'm planning on "re-launching" in December, I want this site to be helpful. :)


NoR Update: November 1, 2006

[Coming Back...Again]

November is going to be a great month...and hopefully December will be too. I will return to Vana'diel in a week or so. But, before that, I'm going to start a 14 day free trial of World of Warcraft. Even though this is a FFXI blog, I'll cover a little of the "second greatest" in the world ...of warcraft. Plus, this is a good transition from just a FFXI blog to other MMORPG titles, since I'm planning on going solo in 2007. I will buy a domain name and continue with NakRem and MMONAK from there. I will still post a few updates for a month after I move (and to get some fresh traffic to the new site). Then it will be lights out for this blog. NakRem will still be here--just on a new server. :D


© 2006 Nakashima of Remora | Blogger Templates by GeckoandFly.
Copyright © 2002-2006 SQUARE ENIX CO., LTD. FINAL FANTASY is a registered trademark of Square Enix Co., Ltd.. This site is in no way affiliated with Square-Enix Ltd.
No part of the content or the blog may be reproduced without prior written permission.